Fraser Suites Guangzhou

Located in Zhengjia Square, the Fraser Suites Guangzhou (Huishengge International Aprtment) is 1-minute walking distance away from Exit A in Shipaiqiao Metro Station and 20-minute drive from downtown city and East Guangzhou Railway Station, make it an ideal place no matter if you're a tourist or business traveler. Rooms at Fraser Suites Guangzhou offer kitchen and Internet access in addition to all the standard amenities. Business travelers can make use of the conference hall to conduct any of their work-related needs. For recreation, guests can enjoy massage, steams in the sauna, work out in the gym or dip into the pool, creating a perfect home away from home.

Brand: Fraser Suites

At Frasers Hospitality, the difference lies in the way we care. Underlying our award-winning service is an innate sense of empathy, and a strong intuition for what our guests need. With our attention to detail coupled with the comfort and luxury of our properties, we deliver a memorable experience which our guests keep coming back for.
We have your physical and mental wellbeing in mind, with a host of sports facilities to keep you fit and recharged, and tranquil retreats to ease the stress of modern city life.
Expect the unexpected. See the world through our eyes as we take you on a personal journey through city streets and quaint neighbourhoods; discovering best-kept secrets and tasting beguiling treats. Be inspired to wander, and create tales of your own to share.

  • 会员2535:比起酒店、比起民宿,我更喜欢公寓式酒店! 细节满满都辉盛阁,无论哪个城市都是开在在繁华地段,每次回广州都会住它! 房间烘干式洗衣机、冰箱、微波炉、电磁炉都有,五星酒店普通房间的价格你已经可以住进辉盛阁的一房一厅商务间了!楼下就是地铁、天河成熟商圈,购物、美食超方便!
  • 会员8127:地理位置是真的很好。地铁三号线支线石牌桥站A出口上面万菱汇商场可直接进入酒店后门,上七楼办理入住。在地铁站里的出口通道D出口直达太古汇,逛街吃饭地铁出行实在太方便了,风吹雨打日晒都不怕。酒店临街有正门景观及一楼礼宾入口。 虽然叫公寓,但实际是国际连锁酒店,酒店式管理,礼宾、前台、房间服务都意识很好。礼宾提醒住客在公共区域记得戴好口罩,前台为了让我们这个首次入住有更好的体验,升级了房型为行政房一室套间。客房服务接到热水爆裂玻璃杯的电话,第一时间是关心了住客有没有受伤,并交代等服务员马上过去处理👍 一次性棉拖、牙具、肥皂、洗发水、润发素、沐浴露、润肤乳、棉签、针线包都一应俱全。智能坐厕,淋浴间洗澡水很大够热,舒服极了。 房间的厨房都是入柜式家电,抽油烟机、冰箱、微波炉、洗衣机,整齐有高档。最意外的是配备了厨房应有的碗筷、刀叉、调味酱、油包、平底锅。哈哈,完全可以去太古汇的超市买牛排回来做个西餐,太有feel了,大爱。 要说有什么缺点,客厅沙发可能需要定期除螨,卫生间没有晾衣绳,对于开了洗衣机洗衣的住客有点为难。 总体推荐入住。
  • 会员5042:位置非常好,广州三大商场围绕,一楼连通万菱汇,对面是太古汇,正佳广场走路可达,房间如照片一样宽敞舒适,还有户外泳池跟健身房,难怪评分高,下次广州出差首选
  • 会员9040:装修简约 稍微有点旧 三房房间设计合理 功能俱全 公寓位置非常好 走到对面太古汇吃饭以及周边逛街吃饭逛街选择性很大 适合一大家出来度假旅行


Fraser Suites Guangzhou
  • Address :  No.232-2 Tianhe Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,Guangdong

  • Reserve :  020-28019888 (CouponCode:42769)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 020-28019888
      (Catering Entertainment)

Fraser Suites Guangzhou reserve:020-86009099 (CouponCode:42769) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:020-28019888   Meeting room reserve

Fraser Suites Guangzhou address: No.232-2 Tianhe Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,Guangdong

广州辉盛阁国际公寓Fraser Suites Guangzhou

Disclaimer: We are partners of Ctrip (including Tongcheng Elong, Qunar,Zhuna, etc.), booking, Agoda and Expedia. We only provide Fraser Suites Guangzhou online booking service for you. Your reservation will be forwarded to the hotel by Ctrip, Tongcheng Elong and other partners. If there are problems such as liquidated damages, Tongcheng ELong or Ctrip will deduct the money and transfer it to the hotel, We are not the official website of Fraser Suites Guangzhou, please know.